February 22, 2012

12 Techs that change the face of the world (part 2)

Fujitsu, an IT company try to predict 12 technologies believed to change the world in 2012
6 trends had been revealed in the first section, the article said that physical and digital world is merged.
So do for the connected peripherals, where estimated that 4 billion peripherals is connected to the interned now and become 15 billion in 2015 and 20 billion in 2020 related to the decreasing cost of multiprocessor production.
These are the next 6 trends:

7. Taking inside
Almost all of the changing today push the organization to cross their traditional border, such as social media, cloud computing service and mobile gadget, where data aren't tied to certain technology.
Computation becoming a relationship between human and information not just a technology to process the information

8. Choice:One size fits all
Choices is look like a double edge sword, There's value from the choices but in the other hand there's cost from choices. In the past time, organization manage these costs by limiting the choices "one size fits all", but inovations bring transformation to the market, so these method is slowly left behind.
Organization has to give more choices, so for us is
• Standard  is dynamic not static.
• Human use their own technology in their own works
• 'Information supply chain' will use Reference Architecture.

9. Social working
Organization has doing some experiments with social media and try to find way how to exploiting new channel before their competitor take the lead. The obstacle is the values lie in social media is totally different from traditional one. The traditional wants everything running simultaneously and predictable, but the social media is the opposite, they controlled by wills and needs of each others in it.

10. The power of 'Crowding Out'
Web doesn't give information access only, web can connecting million even billion people. Crowdsourcing gives us the ability to catch the human resources and use them as workers based on duty but in fixed cost.
Crowdsourcing has the potency to fulfill the needs of human resources, these methods won't replace recruitments methods, but gives an alternative ways

11. New morph
Disruptive changing that affecting the technology industries has the potency to change "how to doing business".
Access to technology didn't need a vast investment anymore in competency, capitals or time. The business force us to use the technology.

12. Natural mobility
We've entering post PC's era that totally change the way of computing for end users. Pushed forward by the growing of wireless and mobile networks.
Mobile peripherals had been used for many things, but not a 'peripheral did all" , cloud computing will change the way, that it's become the only facility that keeps every people data whatever their devices.

February 15, 2012

12 Techs that change the face of the world (part 1)

Technologies and inovations are always on the frontline of changing, so  do 2012, where there'll be 12 trends believed to change the world, what are they?
Belonged to Fujitsu, a manufacturer of IT and communication, some of the break come from mobile tech, cloud computing service business social media and overgrowing data.
The change itself is bigger than predicted by Moore's Law, that processor will advancing twice every year.
This trend will change business' ways, cities and even people, when every trend is find it's own way, the world will be looked so different.

These are the 12 techs that predicted will change the world  
1. Real time Insight  
Today we live in 2 world physical and digital world, and these two getting closer each other synchronized and pass the new ideas based on high speed technologies. The impact for us is:
• The emerging of new systems that can "feel and reacting", not just doing transactional instruction only..
• We'll be more proactive to raise the standard of health
• Speed is more important and everything is going faster.. 
2. Business without boundaries
Cloud computing service gives the users chance to build, configure and operate their own technologies.for the first time business world can use technology directly with so little investment. the result is they can interact with their customer faster, the boundaries that blocked traditonal business is fading. 
3. Humans above everything
Human centric computation and provide digital content to the user directly., these features become the bridge to exploiting digital world to build physical world.
Through the ability adding context, system become smarter to help human interact with friends, comunity and environment.
4. Information has a higher priority than technology
Every movement create data, leaving what we called "digital prints" wherever we go. With sensors and every peripheral attached to the internet these digital prints become clearer.
5. Everything is connected
The ability to connect to the internet isn't monopoly by PC's only, but every machine such as vending machine park metering, even garbage can will have the ability to providing information about their enviroments's status pasive or active way. The result is world filled with smart "thing".
6. Lokasi perdagangan
Online shops born around 5 years ago but their growth are so fastly amazing, They are the new waves of business. They can providing a simple mechanism for sell and buy. services.

To Part two

February 11, 2012

Free apps to communicate via ipad

Avaya, an Indonesian enterprise comm, company release an application called Avaya flare Communicator for Indonesian iPad users.
This app provide an integrated communication that can be used for chatting via instant messaging, voice call, email, video conference through 3G or wi-fi network.
In Avaya's press release (Sat,12,2,2012, GMT+7) these are the features offered specially for corporate users.

  • Contact List's position by tapping or knocking one location to open IM, email or voice call.
  • Receiving two voice call at the same time via iPad while travelling.
  • Multitasking while communicating, such as email read, web conference also web browsing or use other productivity apps.
  • Company's directory searching
  • Secure Wireless Comm. through wi-fi hotspot or 3G network
  • Reduce communication cost using data canal and avoid roaming fee.
"Users can download Avaya Flare Communicator for iPad for free from Apple App Store. While other gadgetz and platforms will receive support in the end of 2012" said from Avaya press..

Need an iPad ? clik HERE


After a long break, this site is going to live again
2 years service to communication business took all my resources...
and here we are as a free man again..